Aerosols - Hazardous Waste
Recycling Service
Are Aerosols Hazardous Waste?
The UK is the highest producer and consumer of aerosol products in Europe. Not only this, but studies have shown that household aerosols now produce more smog in the UK than vehicles. Unfortunately, these hazardous products release over 1.3 million tonnes of volatile organic compound air pollution annually. This data is set to rise to 2.2 million by 2050. The term aerosol technically refers to the product in use. However, it is often used also to describe the can. We use a variety of different aerosols in our day-to-day life, both residential and commercial. Unfortunately, due to the harmful and volatile nature of these everyday products, it is essential to know how to dispose of them correctly.
What type of waste are aerosols?
Aerosols are a classified or hazardous waste type. Being a dangerous waste type means you must treat it with caution when disposing of them. Despite this, they are very popular waste items and comprise approximately 40% of the hazardous waste in specialist facilities.
How should I dispose of Aerosols?
Aerosols are an item that requires specific disposal instructions, regardless of how you use aerosol products. This is because the substance inside aerosols can harm humans, animals and environmental life. However, not only this, but due to the nature of pressurised canisters, aerosols are volatile. They can explode or cause fires if pierced or damaged in an uncontrolled environment.
We can now recycle this classified substance thanks to technological developments and rigorous research. However, when you want to recycle your aerosols, you should ensure that the cans are empty of all products first. Next, remove the lid of your aerosol and separate this into your regular plastic recycling. Then store the cans in a cool, dry place away from extreme temperatures before disposal.
What happens to Aerosols during disposal?
Aerosols are recycled into the appropriate specialist facilities and taken through a specific process. First, the cans are pierced with a small hole in a specialist machine, allowing any remaining liquid to drip. Removing the product makes the rest of the materials safe for disposal. Then, the remaining parts are sorted into their respective materials and taken to the proper recycling facilities for that specific material. Thanks to this recycling method, we can make many products out of the leftover materials.
What are the costs associated with recycling and disposing of aerosols?
When assessing the cost of aerosol recycling and disposal, you need to factor it into the cost of your commercial waste collection plan. Wastege provides cost-effective waste management services that enable you to dispose of all kinds of waste without high prices. To ensure your aerosol waste is disposed of correctly, you can use local recycling centres, local waste disposal sites, and specialist collection points.
How many aerosols are in landfills?
In the UK, we currently use 600 million cans each year, that’s around ten aerosols per person. Thanks to campaigning, education and awareness, the number of aerosols sent to landfills in the UK each year is reducing. It is common practice for UK consumers to ensure that aerosols are sent to recycling centres.
If you need assistance in the disposal of aerosols, contact us today to set up a plan. You can call us on 0800 756 3997 or drop us an email at [email protected]